let's learn basic command in termux

Termux  is a very powerful application which allowing you to use command line interface on your mobile 
it means by using termux on your Android device you can use Kali Linux tool on your termux now these days you can use Termux  on your Android mobile and by using termux you can make your mobile a portable hacking device
if you know all the command we showing you in this blog it means you can easily navigate termux very easily after learning them

List of all the termux basic commands:-

Now you will get different commands below, now you have to run them one by one and see what happens with the command.
We have discussed and told about all the commands, run them and learn them and if you face any kind of problem then you can ask us immediately by commenting.

Update all the packages and dependencies installed on Termux

apt update && apt upgrade  -y
This command is used to download new versions of termux and to upgrade them.

     Use internal storage in termux

After running this command, you will be able to access your phone's internal storage.

Know which director you are working with in Termux

by using pwd command you are able to know which directory you are working in right now in termux

list storage

generally we are using LS command to know what we have inside in a directory and subdirectory! LS command can show you everything inside in a directory like a file folder  etc

Current working directory
we are using CD command to change the current working directory

move one step back in a directory

cd ..
CD With the help of the command you can go one step back in the directory.

Clear your  termux terminal

by using this command you are able to clear termux terminal

make a new file or a directory

by using this command you are able to create directory or a folder

 delete folder or a directory

MKDIR is stand for remove directory by using this command you are able to delete any file or a folder

delete a non empty directory and a folder

 rm -rf

with the help of this command you are able to delete   non empty  folder or a directory forcefully